Search Results for: 2004-07-08

Recently a Canadian court threw out the Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) with the USA because the detention centers in the USA violate the human rights of refugees. This pact compels the refugees seeking asylum in Canada through the US-Canadian border to first seek asylum in the USA. This pact was challenged last year by [...]


During the summer of 2004, I was about to enter fourth grade. That summer was one of discovery and basic understanding of disability identity for me. My parents told me I was autistic in a way that I believed I had magic within me, and the Americans with Disabilities Act existed. I didn’t quite grasp [...]


In a 2-1 decision delivered Tuesday, the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit denied a writ of mandamus from Courtney Wild, one of the survivors of Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking and child abuse. Wild submitted her petition arguing that the negotiations of federal prosecutors to enter a non-prosecution agreement (NPA) with Epstein in [...]


On October 24, 2018, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood sued Exxon for defrauding investors about the business risks of climate change. Of course, Exxon will probably deny that it committed fraud. But, in anticipation of this day, the oil giant has spent the last two years preparing a far more insidious legal defense: that its fraud is actually protected [...]


JURIST Guest Columnist Lauren Carasik of Western New England University School of Law discusses what appears to be the politically motivated charges against former president Jean Bertrand Aristide of Haiti ... The latest chapter in a long series of preliminary...


The Federalist No. 67, written by Alexander Hamilton and published in March 1788, discussed the power of the executive to grant recess appointments under the US Constitution. According to Hamilton, the Framers of the US Constitution intended that the recess...