Search Results for: 2006-01-13

The Iraq War was plagued with accusations of war crimes and atrocities, aimed at the different parties and countries involved in the conflict. The bulk of those claims revolved around the actual combat between US, Iraqi and guerrilla forces. However,...


Although US-led coalition forces succeeded in taking de facto control of Iraq by April 2003, the whereabouts of deposed president Saddam Hussein remained unknown during the beginning of post-invasion occupation. The capture and prosecution of Saddam was an important piece...


D During his 2008 presidential campaign, President Barack Obama began advocating the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention facility and holding civilian trials for detainees. Soon after his November 2008 election, reports revealed that Obama's advisers had already begun working...


Since Roe, states have reacted in a variety of ways, with most states seeking to limit the availability of abortion. These restrictions have taken various forms, including placing limits based on the gestational age of the fetus, adding informed consent...


The legal controversy over same-sex marriage has also implicated debate over the parental and adoption rights of homosexual couples. Although many states have yet to officially address the issue, several states have had notable legal conflicts. In recent years, the...