Search Results for: 2006-07-07

The United States has a long history of anti-monopoly sentiment. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, fighting big business was a major issue in politics, with leaders across the political spectrum promising to take on large corporations. Fed up with child labor, dangerous working conditions, low wages, political corruption, and ruthless business practices, [...]


In October 2001, the U.S. invaded Afghanistan to avenge the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and remove the Taliban government that had harbored the attacks’ mastermind, Osama bin Laden. Since then, the Taliban have been fighting the U.S. to free their homeland from occupation. For nearly 20 years, the U.S. narrative of “national [...]


Extrajudicial killings are acts of violence carried out by law enforcement agencies without any judicial authorization. This is usually done by the state to enforce what may be called ‘instant justice’ by circumventing the elaborate procedure established through the criminal justice system. Even though it must be seen as an aberration to the well-entrenched principle [...]


After numerous decades, the order given by the Supreme Court of India, “reservation is not a fundamental right” has sparked an ardent political debate and unrest among backward communities. In this article, the author shall explain what was the view of the Supreme Court in earlier judgments regarding the reservation. Accordingly, the author shall explain [...]


Congress needs to act to restore the balance of power and prevent future administrations from undermining legislative intent and wreaking havoc on the lives of so many Americans that depend on a functioning immigration system. This means taking back the power of the purse when it comes to immigration benefits and creating Article I courts [...]


Plato’s Republic states “Necessity is the mother of all invention.” But, in a world infected with a pandemic, it’s the insecurity of others that drives the creation of the invention. The world is moving to more and more digital platforms more than ever and this creates a responsibility to advertise products with caution with all [...]


Amnesty International, the International Commission of Jurists, Human Rights watch and TRIAL International reprimanded the government of Nepal on Monday for its failure to keep promises to victims of the armed conflict that had lasted over a decade. The organizations referred to the plans that the government of Nepal made to provide justice for victims [...]