Search Results for: 2010-10-19

As the entire world is groped by the life threatening Coronavirus, our Prime Minister launched the PM CARES Fund through a thread of tweets on March 28, 2020 to gather public contributions to fight against the pandemic. Within the first 15 minutes of the launch of the fund, it began receiving huge donations. Within 25 [...]


A Manhattan trial court ruled Tuesday that Exxon Mobil did not mislead investors on climate change risks. Judge Barry Ostrager concluded that the Office of the Attorney General failed to prove Exxon made false material disclosures to the public in violation of the Martin Act § 352 and Executive law§ 63(12). The findings at trial, which began [...]


Haiti has experienced many protests this year. The protests have primarily focused on a myriad of economic concerns and were initially sparked by a fuel crisis within the country. The underlying impetus of these protests, however, are allegations that many senior officials in the Haitian government, including President Jovenel Moïse, have been implicated in the [...]


The Massachusetts Attorney General sued ExxonMobil on Thursday for repeatedly violating the state’s consumer and investor protection laws and related regulations by defrauding investors and threatening the world economy. Two claims were made against ExxonMobil in the complaint: ExxonMobil is deceiving the investors by systemically failing to disclose the risks to its business from climate [...]


House Democrats subpoenaed Acting Chief of Staff to the President, John Mulvaney, for documents and requested documents from Vice President Mike Pence on Friday relating to President Donald Trump’s interactions with the Ukrainian President and delay of military assistance to Ukraine that are at the center of the impeachment inquiry that is currently underway. The [...]


UK pharmaceutical giant Mallinckrodt filed suit against the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) on Tuesday to defend profitability of their drug, Acthar Gel Injection (Acthar). In their complaint, Mallinckrodt challenges a recent CMS decision that would alter the base date average manufacturer price (AMP) of [...]


In a referendum held on Friday, October 26, 2018, the people of Ireland voted to amend the Irish Constitution to remove the word blasphemy from Article 40.6.1, which declared that “he publication or utterance of blasphemous, seditious, or indecent matter is an offence which shall be punishable in accordance with law.” This constitutional amendment enables [...]


On October 24, 2018, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood sued Exxon for defrauding investors about the business risks of climate change. Of course, Exxon will probably deny that it committed fraud. But, in anticipation of this day, the oil giant has spent the last two years preparing a far more insidious legal defense: that its fraud is actually protected [...]


The blaming of attempted bombings of prominent democratic leaders and opponents of President Trump on a vindictive press by him at a public rally casts a dark shadow over a bleak landscape where once the freedom of the press was a corner stone of our democracy.  Declaring the press in the United States an “enemy [...]