Search Results for: 2012-07-26

JURIST Guest Columnist Sandy Davidson, of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and School of Law, discusses the recent revelations of Yahoo and the potential fallout...At least the Yahoo case has now shed a little sunshine on secret government...


JURIST Guest Columnist Lauren Carasik of Western New England University School of Law discusses what appears to be the politically motivated charges against former president Jean Bertrand Aristide of Haiti ... The latest chapter in a long series of preliminary...


The Constitutional Court of Turkey on Tuesday ruled that a previous decision to ban Youtube violated users' freedom of speech rights. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had imposed the ban on YouTube and...


Given social media's power as a tool for organizing against unpopular governments, many nations have made efforts to ban access to social media sites. The purported rationale for these government bans range from desires to quell publication and circulation of...