Search Results for: 2013-04-05

In April, the Pre-Trial Chamber (PTC) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) refused to authorize an investigation into alleged war crimes that have been committed in Afghanistan since 2003. The Prosecutor’s 20,000-page request, issued in November 2017, would have opened a broad investigation, including a probe into possible war crimes committed by U.S. military personnel. [...]


On April 16, 2019, Governor Jarod Polis signed into law SB19-181, a bill that reforms oil and gas regulation in Colorado in several important ways.  It’s a remarkable achievement for House Speaker KC Becker and other supporters who bent but did not break in the face of strong opposition from the oil and gas industry.  [...]


On October 24, 2018, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood sued Exxon for defrauding investors about the business risks of climate change. Of course, Exxon will probably deny that it committed fraud. But, in anticipation of this day, the oil giant has spent the last two years preparing a far more insidious legal defense: that its fraud is actually protected [...]


In April and October, President Trump proclaimed his intention to send National Guard troops to the US-Mexico border as an anti-illegal immigration measure. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Customs and Border Protection reported apprehensions of people entering the U.S. illegally at the Southern border jumped by 37 percent from February to March 2018, by 203 percent [...]


US President Donald Trump signed a resolution Monday that overturns a 2013 lending rule intended to prevent racial bias in auto loan interest rates. The original rule was issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and was titled the “Indirect Auto Lending and Compliance with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.” Under this rule, automobile [...]


JURIST Guest Columnist Heidi Gilchrist of Brooklyn Law School discusses the fundamentality of higher education... As high school seniors across the country make their college decisions right now, I would like to raise awareness for higher education as a human...