Search Results for: 2013-09-27

This week the Supreme Court gave the green light to stemming the tide of dark money being pumped into our political system. Last month the United States District Court for the District of Columbia made a sound and rational decision to help protect our democracy from an onslaught of dark money as we approach the [...]


When considering the comments in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, with the perspective of thirteen years since their landfall, I’ll paraphrase Mark Twain’s comment about an erroneously pre-mature 1897 obituary: “the reports of death are greatly exaggerated.” The perspective of time and the restoration of many services to the Hurricane Katrina and Rita-stricken Gulf Coast reveal that matters [...]


JURIST Guest Columnist Maya Manian of the University of San Francisco School of Law discusses the debate over abortion laws and how the future of a woman's right to choose resides with the Supreme Court as they are set...