Search Results for: 2015-08-03

This statement is in response to the article titled “Oregon’s Law Schools Ask Supreme Court to Waive Bar Exam Due to COVID-19. The Bar Is Not Pleased.” As a 2020 law graduate and someone intending to sit for the July bar, the article seriously lacks key information as to why students, professors, and licensed attorneys [...]


“At the beginning of the pestilence and when it ends, there’s always a propensity for rhetoric….It is only in the thick of a calamity that one gets hardened to the truth, to silence.” – Albert Camus, The Plague Trump presidential debilities are more serious than simple policy missteps or errors. This administration is far more [...]


The US Supreme Court has temporarily postponed oral arguments; most state and local courts have as well. Yet, despite the risk posed by COVID-19, immigration courts across America continue to hold in-person removal proceedings. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) continues apprehensions. Individuals are still being placed on international flights and deported to their home countries. [...]


“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” ~James Madison In the years following the fall of the Soviet Union, Poland emerged as a nation poised to embrace [...]


Glyphosate, a non-selective herbicide, is found in many weed killing products and sold every day around the world. Roundup, the most popular herbicide in the United States, contains glyphosate and is purchased by consumers to use on their residential properties, gardens, public parks, sports fields, as well as other outdoor areas. Recently, Roundup has been [...]


“For there is nothing on earth more acceptable to that Supreme Deity who rules over this whole world than the councils and assemblages of men bound together by law, which are called States.” Cicero, Somnium Scipionis   Recent news from the Middle East, though generally “beneath the surface,” deals with Sunni Arab state reactions to [...]


The Trump administration announced a new definition of “waters of the United States” at the EPA on Tuesday. The term’s new meaning will primarily limit the federal government’s regulation of waterways under the Clean Water Act to major waterways, their tributaries, and adjacent wetlands. This proposal follows the 2017 Executive Order “On Restoring the Rule [...]


On October 24, 2018, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood sued Exxon for defrauding investors about the business risks of climate change. Of course, Exxon will probably deny that it committed fraud. But, in anticipation of this day, the oil giant has spent the last two years preparing a far more insidious legal defense: that its fraud is actually protected [...]


A federal judge in Montana on Thursday granted a temporary injunction bringing an immediate halt to the construction of the $8 billion Keystone XL pipeline project. Judge Brian Morris ruled in August that the US State Department must conduct a more thorough environmental review of the Keystone XL pipeline project, which was continued in Thursday’s ruling. [...]