Search Results for: 2016-04-05

JURIST Guest Columnist Akhil Kang, discusses a case in Punjab and Haryana High court where castrated cis-gendered men brought a criminal case against religious groups claiming that they were induced to undergo castration on the promise of attaining higher enlightenment......


JURIST Guest Columnist Rogendy Toussaint of St. John&aposapos;s University School of Law Class of 2016, is the twelfth author in a twelve-part series from the staffers of the Journal of Civil Rights and Economic Development. Toussaint discusses whether the disparate impact of...


Moroccan authorites' approach and response to domestic abuse is insufficient and "tepid" across the board , Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a letter to the Moroccan government on Monday. The report cites a study done...


Thailand published a draft of its twentieth constitution on Friday amid concerns that it would be insufficient in resolving long-running troubles and that it may contribute to a weak civilian government under the sway of the military. The draft constitution...