Search Results for: 2016-05-09

For the first time ever, on September 12, the European Parliament (EP) launched Article 7 TEU (Lisbon Treaty) proceedings against Hungary’s government. The Parliament began the action by adopting a report by Judith Sargentini, a member from the Netherlands. The report lists 12 major concerns from the functioning of the constitutional and the electoral system [...]


When considering the comments in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, with the perspective of thirteen years since their landfall, I’ll paraphrase Mark Twain’s comment about an erroneously pre-mature 1897 obituary: “the reports of death are greatly exaggerated.” The perspective of time and the restoration of many services to the Hurricane Katrina and Rita-stricken Gulf Coast reveal that matters [...]


From degrading disabled people, women, LGBT individuals, and other minorities to the forsaking of the United Nation Human Rights Council, and from separating migrant families to the coddling of authoritarians and racists, this presidency consistently ridicules human rights. It follows that the State Department’s first international conference to Advance Religious Freedom might trigger a collective [...]


President Donald Trump’s recent nomination of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh as Associate Justice to the U.S. Supreme Court from a list of potential candidates has ignited immediate support and criticism from conservatives and liberals respectively. An undergrad and law alum at Yale University, Judge Kavanaugh clerked for the departing Justice Anthony Kennedy, practiced law privately [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) submitted an amicus brief to the Colombian Constitutional Court on Tuesday calling for changes to the Special Jurisdiction of Peace bill—a peace accord with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). The Court is reviewing the bill, which was passed on November 30, 2017. HRW has identified three shortcomings in the [...]


Here's the domestic legal news we covered this week: The Democratic National Committee (DNC) filed a lawsuit Friday against Donald Trump, Russia, Julian Assange, Wikileaks, and several Trump aids including Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and...


JURIST Guest Columnists, Sarah Wetter and James G. Hodge, Jr. of the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, Arizona State University, discuss preemptive legal schemes that deprive states and localities of opportunities to implement efficacious interventions to advance public health......


JURIST Guest Columnist Moien Odeh of the Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection provides a critical analysis of recent Israeli legislative efforts to enlarge the city limits of Jerusalem ... Introduction In 2017, two bills were introduced from the Israeli...