Search Results for: 2016-09-19

In September, China launched an initiative to set the standards of global data-security rules. This is on top of other efforts that China has taken to launch a data governance regime. This, for America, should be the spark that ignites the conversation around American data governance policies. Data is, after all, as many quip “the [...]


A few months ago, the pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences set a price tag on their drug remdesivir, the first medication shown to be effective for treating coronavirus. The price was set at $520 per vial or $3,120 per treatment course. Experts have called the price “not exorbitant,” and some expected a higher price tag. Yet, [...]


Rodrigo Duterte’s presidential term in the archipelagic country of the Philippines has been deeply concerning human rights activists since 2016. Immediately after assuming the Presidency, Duterte confirmed that he had personally killed three men when he was the Mayor of Davao to show the police that killing troublemakers should not be difficult. Amid a deadly [...]


India’s $265 billion COVID relief package has been criticized by many experts as falling short of expectations. In a speech before releasing the package, the Indian Prime Minister declared that the package will focus on land, labor, liquidity, and laws. The majority of the discussion has been around the proportion of fiscal and liquidity relief [...]


“The masses have followed the magicians again and again…Socrates and Plato were the first to take up the struggle against them in clear awareness of what was at stake.” – Karl Jaspers, Reason and Anti-Reason in our Time (1952) On absolutely all matters of existential survival, individual or collective, candor is indispensable. In connection with [...]


Congress needs to act to restore the balance of power and prevent future administrations from undermining legislative intent and wreaking havoc on the lives of so many Americans that depend on a functioning immigration system. This means taking back the power of the purse when it comes to immigration benefits and creating Article I courts [...]


From the beginnings of his crudely acrimonious presidency, Donald Trump has actively undermined US foreign policy relationships. On urgently key matters of world politics and international law, Mr. Trump’s typically invalid conclusions have generally been drawn from narrowly belligerent premises. Truly, the main problem with such faulty presidential arguments, however, has not been Trump’s gratuitously [...]


There’s a joke about a group of friends finishing up their meal at a local restaurant. One friend puts down the cutlery, pushes back the chair, and declares with conviction: “this food was bad and the portions were too small.” And so it is with the Paris Climate Change agreement. The Paris Agreement is bad [...]