Search Results for: 2017-02-03

When we talk about defunding the police, we focus on what we can see. We imagine hiring fewer cops to flock in subway stations and wander sidewalks. We picture fewer high-priced tanks and military-grade tools of war in our communities. But today’s policing infrastructure also spends millions of dollars on an invisible, sprawling data surveillance [...]


On May 22, 2020 Bombay High Court said that the Right to a Decent Burial is a facet of the Right to Life. This decision was based on a plea which contested burial of COVID-19 patients in burial grounds surrounding the residential areas. The court dismissed the petitions and quoted from Oscar Wilde: “Death must [...]


1.  There’s something happening here; What it is ain’t exactly clear On Sunday, May 31, 2020, I posted on my Facebook that we should expect the repression to come soon. And almost like predictable clockwork, the repression started the next day. We can note the teargassing and flash grenading of peaceful demonstrators and international press [...]


Cyberoperations against healthcare providers and testing facilities are thriving in the U.S. and beyond. An unsuccessful act against the U.S. Department and Health and Human Services was intended to undermine the administrations’ response to the current crisis. Operations against several Czech Hospitals and the Paris Hospital Authority attempted to disable networks of healthcare providers and [...]


The spread of COVID19 has led to a lot of chaos. In the wake of several instances of lockdown violations and quarantined patients escaping hospital wards, the government has decided to use an application that triggers e-mails and SMS alerts to an authorized government agency if a person has jumped quarantine or escaped from isolation. [...]


Former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, whose 30-year rule ended when he was ousted from office during the conflict that came to be known as the Arab Spring in 2011, died Tuesday in Cairo at the age of 91. Mubarak served as the fourth president of Egypt from 1981 following the assassination of Anwar Sadat, to [...]


There’s a joke about a group of friends finishing up their meal at a local restaurant. One friend puts down the cutlery, pushes back the chair, and declares with conviction: “this food was bad and the portions were too small.” And so it is with the Paris Climate Change agreement. The Paris Agreement is bad [...]


Last month, tenants at a rent-stabilized apartment building called Atlantic Plaza Towers in Brooklyn filed a formal protest against their landlord’s plan to replace key fobs with facial recognition technology. The landlord claimed the new system would enhance security. The tenants, primarily women of color, countered that access to their homes should not hinge on [...]


The New York legislature signaled Thursday that it would approve of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s proposal to ban single use plastic bags that he included in his 2019 state budget proposal. Cuomo proposed following suit with California and Hawaii in banning the use of plastic bags across the state. The move marks a reversal of his [...]