Search Results for: 2017-06-20

JURIST contributing editor Allen Rostron of the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law discusses new gun laws enacted in Missouri and proposed in Pennsylvania and how they reflect an insatiable appetite for enacting pro-gun legislation even when gun rights are well secured under...


Articles 5 through 20 of the Rome Statute govern the jurisdiction of the ICC. There are four major factors to consider when assessing the court's jurisdiction. First, the specific crime committed has to fit the definition of one of the...


President Obama advocated for the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention facility and civilian trials for the alleged 9/11 conspirators since his election in 2008. Despite initial progress and attempts to release or transfer detainees to third party countries, as...


JURIST Guest Columnist Stuart Ford of the John Marshall Law School says that although the International Criminal Court has encountered numerous obstacles during the first ten years of its existence, its reputation will ultimately be decided over a longer period...