Search Results for: 2017-11-13

In 2007, Hungary ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), a wide-ranging and forward-thinking treaty designed to advance the human rights of those with disabilities. This reflected on the international level what Hungary seemed to be doing on the national level. The year before, Hungary adopted a new National Disability Programme [...]


India is facing challenging times with the hit of the pandemic that has halted everything to a standstill. The economic development is at its lowest due to the lockdown that has been announced in India to stop the spread of COVID-19. In the face of this crisis, it is a worldwide realization and understanding that [...]


Two years after the Navtej Singh Johar judgment which decriminalized homosexuality in India, the death of Anjana Hareesh, also known as Chinnu Zulfikar, shook the whole LGBTQIA+ community, earlier this May. Claimed to have committed suicide, Anjana identified herself as bisexual and was forced by her family members to undergo “conversion therapy” without her consent [...]


Cyberoperations against healthcare providers and testing facilities are thriving in the U.S. and beyond. An unsuccessful act against the U.S. Department and Health and Human Services was intended to undermine the administrations’ response to the current crisis. Operations against several Czech Hospitals and the Paris Hospital Authority attempted to disable networks of healthcare providers and [...]


The Indian Constitution is not merely a static document containing a set of rules or laws through which the state governs its people, it is much more. The constitution is a dynamic phenomenon, ever-evolving in its contours, which was born with a task of protecting individuals who have been subordinated by the society in innumerable [...]


The Tianjin First Intermediate People’s Court sentenced Meng Hongwei, a high-ranking Chinese official, on Tuesday to 13-and-a-half years in prison for bribery. Meng held positions such as deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security, deputy director of the China Maritime Police Bureau and president of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol).  He will not [...]


Haiti has experienced many protests this year. The protests have primarily focused on a myriad of economic concerns and were initially sparked by a fuel crisis within the country. The underlying impetus of these protests, however, are allegations that many senior officials in the Haitian government, including President Jovenel Moïse, have been implicated in the [...]