Search Results for: Argentina

The President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, signed a letter of understanding with the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim A.A. Khan QC against atrocious crimes. The agreement between the two was signed Wednesday during the three days of work with the ICC prosecutor. The Venezuelan government has agreed to cooperate and comply with the [...]


The US Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has announced sanctions on three individuals and five entities associated with corruption in the South American country of Paraguay. The sanctions were made under the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, which empowers Treasury to sanction individuals and entities accused of human rights abuses, including corruption. [...]


In a ground-breaking decision, the Islamabad High Court in Pakistan has explicitly recognized that animals have natural legal rights and are entitled to protection under the nation’s Constitution. Non-human animals are still commonly treated as “property” around the world, which places them in a similar legal category as inanimate objects. Although problematic for many reasons [...]


El jueves el Juzgado 5º Federal de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires condenó a varias personas involucradas en el caso Escuela de Mecánia de la Armada (ESMA). La ESMA fue el principal centro de detención clandestino de Argentina durante la última dictadura militar. Fue escenario de más de 800 delitos, como torturas, secuestros y [...]


On Thursday, the Tribunal Oral Federal 5 de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires sentenced multiple people involved in the Escuela de Mecánia de la Armada (ESMA) case. ESMA was the top clandestine detention center in Argentina during the last military dictatorship. It was the site of more than 800 crimes including torture, kidnapping, and [...]


El gobierno de Colombia y el Alto Comisionado de la ONU para los Refugiados anunciaron el pasado lunes que Colombia brindará una nueva forma de estatus legal a los 1,7 millones de venezolanos desplazados en Colombia, brindándoles seguridad básica esencial mientras vivan en este país como refugiados. La nueva iniciativa ofrece un estatus temporal de [...]


The government of Colombia and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees announced Monday that Colombia would provide the 1.7 million displaced Venezuelans in Colombia with a new form of legal status, providing them with essential basic security while living in Colombia as refugees. The new initiative offers 10-year temporary status to displaced Venezuelans living in [...]


Argentina’s Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy Law, approved by the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate last month came into force Sunday. The law gives a choice to women and other gender identities to terminate their pregnancy within 14 weeks of pregnancy. Beyond 14 weeks, pregnancy can be terminated only in cases of rape, or when [...]


Argentina’s Senate on Wednesday passed a law legalizing abortion after a marathon 12-hour session, a victory for the country’s women’s movement that has been fighting for the right for decades. In addition to allowing abortion within the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, the legislation establishes that even after that period, a pregnancy can be legally [...]


Argentina’s lower house, the Camara de Disputado, voted to legalize abortion Thursday after 20 hours of floor debate. The vote was seen as a victory for the Marea Verde (“Green Sea”) movement which seeks to make abortion legal. The bid to legalize abortion had received support from President Alberto Fernandez and will allow “women and [...]