Search Results for: Vermont

Pitasanna Shanmugathas is a law student at Vermont Law & Graduate School and a graduate of the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs. On Saturday May 11 Pitasanna participated in Day 10 of the student-led encampment calling for the University of Toronto to divest from funding Israeli institutions allegedly involved in sustaining the [...]


Five Israeli military units have committed gross human rights violations, according to the US State Department on Monday. Despite these findings, all of the units currently remain eligible for US military aid. According to the US and Israel, four units have effectively remediated the violations, but discussions continue regarding the remaining Israel Defense Forces (IDF) [...]


The US Department of State released its annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices on Monday, amidst the seventy-fifth anniversary of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, or UDHR. The report emphasized “several new commitments, including to renew investments around the world in democracy and human rights, to help protect human rights defenders online, [...]


Michael Soghomonian, also known as Shant, was arrested Sunday for allegedly starting a fire outside Senator Bernie Sanders’ office in Burlington, Vermont on Friday. An accelerant was lit in the office entrance, where the fire was quickly detected in the vestibule between the elevator and the office entrance. After igniting the fire, Soghomonian fled. A [...]


The Florida Division of Elections released data Friday confirming that the group Floridians Protecting Freedom (FPF) successfully gathered the required number of signatures to put an amendment on the Florida ballot to enshrine abortion protections in the state constitution. FPF Campaign Director Lauren Brenzel celebrated the milestone, stating, “The fact that we only launched our [...]


A federal court sentenced a West Virginia man, Hardy Carroll Lloyd, to 78 months in prison on Wednesday for obstructing the Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue shooting trial. The sentencing includes the possibility of supervised release after three years. Lloyd previously admitted to intentionally interfering in the federal hate crimes trial for Robert Bowers, who shot [...]


Pitasanna Shanmugathas is a law student at Vermont Law & Graduate School and a graduate of the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs. He was at this demonstration over the weekend.  Ceasefire Now, a coalition of Canadian labor, faith, Arab, Jewish, and civil society organizations advocating for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, held [...]


Justin Lindsay is a US National Correspondent for JURIST, and a 3L at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. He previously served 10 years as an Officer in the United States Army.  January 6th forced many Americans to confront domestic political violence for the first time. Visceral images on social media, cable, and broadcast [...]


The suspect in the Burlington, Vermont shooting that left three Palestinian-American men wounded pleaded not guilty after he was arrested early Monday morning by the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).  The shooting occurred at 6:25 p.m. Saturday near the University of Vermont. The Burlington Police Department released a statement Sunday identifying [...]


JURIST staffer Pitasanna Shanmugathas attended the rally described in this dispatch. On Saturday, over 100 individuals assembled in Portland, Maine, to show their solidarity with the rights of migrant workers. The Milk with Dignity campaign, advocating for farm workers in New England, called upon Hannaford Supermarkets, an American retail chain, to take action. The objective [...]