Search Results for: adoption

Jack Balkin, Yale Law School:"In Hernandez v. Robles a New York State trial court judge held that the New York State constitution prohibited restricting marriage to opposite sex couples.The court held that prohibition on same sex couples violated the Due...


Vincent Rougeau :"The 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and the recent controversies surrounding the confirmation of Alberto Gonzales made me think once again of Hannah Arendt's powerful words.  The Associated Press reported yesterday that Muslim...


Lawsuits brought by three same-sex couples married in Massachusetts and Canada seeking to have their marriages recognized in Florida have been dropped because the plaintiffs do not want to risk having the US Supreme Court set precedent by rejecting...


Richard Posner, University of Chicago Law School:"There is a movement afoot, assisted by the strengthening of Republican control over Congress, to impose federal limits on tort litigation, particularly medical malpractice; premiums for malpractice insurance have soared in the last two...