Search Results for: elections

The Chilean army has formally accepted responsibility for human rights violations from 1973-1990 under General Augusto Pinochet's rule. Chilean President Ricardo Lagos called it a "historic step" towards national unity. Current Army Commander General Juan Emilio Chyre offered no...


One North Carolina electronic voting machine is thought to have lost more than 4,500 votes, which could affect the result in several local races; election officials have said that the manufacturer, UniLect, told them that each machine could handle...


In the wake of Tuesday's election, which saw 11 states ban gay marriage, two Oklahoma lesbian couples have filed a federal lawsuit challenging both their state's ban and the federal Defense of Marriage act. The plaintiffs--one couple that has...


Taiwan's High Court ended seven months of debate and controversy Thursday by refusing to nullify the country's March presidential election, rejecting opposition claims of fraud and complaints about a shooting that injured President Chen Shui-bian just one day before...


Elections officials will begin counting provisional ballots Thursday in Ohio and around the country. Due to John Kerry's concession speech Wednesday (reported here on JURIST's Paper Chase) and President Bush's acceptance speech (text from the White House), the ballots...


Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Thursday, Nov. 4.C-SPAN's Washington Journal takes a look at how President Bush's election victory could shape the Supreme Court over his next term. Watch...