Search Results for: welfare

Florida became the first state in the nation to fully privatize its child welfare program after signing a $75 million contract Friday, transferring management of the last 2 remaining counties under governmental oversight. The agreement with Our...


Richard Posner, University of Chicago Law School:"Congress is on the verge of passing and the President of signing a major overhaul of the Bankruptcy Code. (See Summary and Changes). The new bankruptcy law, popularly termed the "Bankruptcy Reform Act," has...


Richard Posner, University of Chicago Law School:"I approach the issue of immigration reform (theoretical reform - neither Becker nor I are considering the political obstacles to radical changes in immigration law) somewhat differently. I begin by asking: why restrict immigration...


Jim Maule, Villanova Law School:"...ost, if not all, of the discussion presupposes continuation of the social security system, with changes in the way revenues are gathered to fund it. A few proposals discuss changing benefits, either...


In its annual budget recommendations to Congress, the White House stated Monday that repealing the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act , also known as the Byrd amendment, would save an estimated $1.608 billion in the 2006 budget year....


Richard Posner, University of Chicago Law School:"One of the commonest objections to President Bush's proposal for reform of social security is that there is no need to act now because there is no "crisis." Yet the same people who say...


Richard Posner, University of Chicago Law School:"There is a movement afoot, assisted by the strengthening of Republican control over Congress, to impose federal limits on tort litigation, particularly medical malpractice; premiums for malpractice insurance have soared in the last two...