Poll: 3 of 4 Iraqis want Islam to be primary source for Iraq law News
Poll: 3 of 4 Iraqis want Islam to be primary source for Iraq law

[JURIST] A poll [IRI Powerpoint presentation] of 2700 Iraqis released Friday reports that three out of four citizens believe that Islam should be a primary source of Iraqi law and legislation, with only two percent of respondents believing that religion should have no role in government. The poll was conducted by the US International Republican Institute (IRI) [nonprofit website] chaired by GOP Senator John McCain and will be used to help draft the new Iraqi constitution, supposed to be completed by August [JURIST report]. The poll also indicated that 68 percent of Iraqis believe that the constitution should contain protection for human rights. The survey also found that Iraqis have confidence in the interim government and 67 percent have confidence in the direction the country is headed, the most optimistic response recorded by an IRI poll to date [press release]. Read the IRI press release on the poll. AFP has more.